
Supporting Farmers, One Bottle at a Time

Maleny Dairies

From milk that tastes ‘just like it used to when we were kids,’ Maleny Dairies is an award-winning, family-owned and operated business committed to sustainability for people, place and products.

Twenty-four years ago, Ross and Sally Hopper made the courageous decision to build their own processing and bottling plant and purchase milk from local dairy farms. At the heart of their business is the commitment to ensuring a sustainable future for Australia’s dairy industry by paying a fair price to farmers for the high-quality milk they produce.

The success of Maleny Dairies can be greatly attributed to its 12 dairy farming families who produce high-quality milk. Maleny Dairies is proud to support, purchase and process milk from local dairy farmers. When consumers purchase Maleny Dairies' products, they know they are supporting hard-working local dairy farmers

For more than two decades, the Hoppers have supplied Queenslanders with a suite of milks, creams, custard and yoghurt.

“Our loyal followers love our Farmer’s Choice Milk, which is pasteurised only, allowing for a delicious layer of cream on top of the milk. We endeavour to keep processing to a minimum and produce milk that is as close as possible to fresh cow’s milk. You’re going to love the taste of it!” – Ross Hopper.

Since 2021, Ross and Sally have expanded their product range now incorporating a Lactose Free Full Cream Milk and Cream.

“Lactose intolerant consumers are seeking dairy products with the least amount of processing while still tasting great. Our team worked tirelessly to create a lactose-free milk that tastes like fresh milk – which the whole household can enjoy.”

More recently, Ross and Sally were provided the opportunity to expand their reach into Far North Queensland.

“We’re delighted that more Queenslanders will now have the opportunity to enjoy our products, allowing us to support more farmers and keep Queensland’s dairy industry alive.

“Go Queensland!”