
POWER UP Your Fitness Journey

Terence Darby

PWR Station Strength & Recovery

Discover a place where every workout is a powerhouse session, fuelled by passion, strength, and a dash of sweat. Now only will you find power, but also peace, where rest and recovery just is as important as the resilient road to rock-hard abs.

Spearheading this fitness revolution is a powerhouse duo on a mission to supercharge the fitness scene; Terence Darby, affectionately known as Coach T, and his wife and business partner, Leonie Leonard. Together, they form the dynamic backbone of PWR Station Strength & Recovery, a fitness haven where strength meets recovery, and every rep counts towards a stronger, healthier you.

Terence's love affair with fitness began in high school, where he found refuge in the weight room, sculpting his physique and steering clear of the pitfalls that ensnared many of his peers like drugs and alcohol. Fast forward to today, and he's not just a fitness enthusiast—he's a powerhouse of motivation, guiding clients towards their fitness goals with unwavering dedication and a dash of humour.

Meanwhile, Leonie brings her expertise to the recovery side of the business, ensuring that every workout at PWR Station is balanced with proper recovery tools. Together, they offer a holistic approach to fitness, combining strength training with cutting-edge recovery services to optimise performance and help to prevent injury.

Terence and Leonie share a deep-rooted passion for health and wellness. With six children of their own, they understand the importance of setting a positive example and creating a supportive environment for their community to thrive.

“We have 6 children ages from 33 to 7,” Terence said.

All of our kids are active and have played sports - gymnastics, rugby league, basketball, dancing and just great people who make us proud every day.”

The couple also believe in switching off from the business to have a day of rest and recovery, with weekends reserved for family time.

“On Sunday’s we turn off our phones and switch off from being business owners.

“On the weekends we beach, fish, and enjoy the local area as well as clean house and do all the home things that need to be done.

“We both work long hours and fitting time in for our family on the weekend is a huge priority.”

Terence believes that working out isn’t just about fitness; it’s about transforming lives.

“We're passionate about improving health, happiness, and creating sustainable lifestyles for our clients,” he said.

“That's why we're dedicated to providing opportunity, knowledge, and unwavering support to help people not just survive, but thrive.”

Whether you're into group fitness, cardio, weights, or one-on-one sessions, Coach T is there to guide you every step of the way towards becoming a thriver in life.

At PWR Station, clients can expect a personalised approach to fitness, tailored to their unique goals and abilities.

After intense workouts, clients can indulge in PWR Recovery's comprehensive recovery amenities. From the soothing heat of the infrared sauna to the advanced technology of NormaTec boots and the revitalising effects of cryotherapy, every aspect is tailored to help clients relax, recover, and repair their bodies.

Whether you're sweating it out in a PT session or indulging in a restorative recovery treatment, one thing is certain, you'll leave feeling stronger, happier, and ready to take on whatever life throws your way.

Best Business advice you've ever been given?

“You don’t build a business, you build people and the business will follow.”

Secret recipe for success that first got you started?

“Take the risk and then keep on taking them.”

Your go-to mantra to keep you motivated?

“Don’t focus on the big end goal, focus on the smaller steps to get there and have fun celebrating the wins along the way.”