
Empowering You

With Zenny Godden From Athletica

Super mum, dedicated fitness coach and passionate business owner, Zenny Godden continues to revolutionise Mackay’s female-only workout scene, carving out a niche market for all women who want to live well. With her 7-month-old daughter, Sylvie, in tow, Athletica founder Zenny isn't just a gym owner; she's a powerhouse of inspiration, seamlessly blending motherhood with entrepreneurial prowess.

Athletica isn't your average gym; it's a testament to Zenny's powerful passion for women's wellness, one punch or press-up at a time. Drawing on her legacy with Zenergy and Femnasium, Zenny re-branded Femnasium into Athletica in 2020 and created a new vibrant fitness hub where women of all walks of life gather to sweat, support, and thrive.

It’s a place where you'll feel the energy pulsating—a symphony of determination, camaraderie, and empowerment. Here, every kettlebell swing, every yoga pose, and every high-intensity interval echoes Zenny's mission: to sculpt not just bodies, but minds and spirits too.

She loves a laugh and will be the first to admit that she can be awkwardly goofy, but with the way she commands a class you’d never know she suffers from social anxiety.

With a firm belief that there's a gym for everyone, Zenny envisioned Athletica as more than just a place to work out, but also a community where women of all backgrounds and fitness levels can feel comfortable and empowered.

“I want people to know they can feel comfortable walking into Athletica,” she said.

“We all started somewhere and if I can help the next woman that walks through my door and help her leave feeling great about herself, then that’s what we’re about.”

The all-women environment fosters a sense of companionship and support, making it less intimidating for women to kickstart their fitness journey without fear of judgment.

Zenny's personal journey as a new mother, fuels her passion for supporting other women through every stage of life. Through her own experiences, she recognised the lack of resources and support for new mums in the fitness realm, which is why Zenny is committed to breaking down outdated beliefs surrounding pregnancy and postpartum fitness. Through Athletica's mums and bubs classes and nutritional guidance, Zenny empowers women both during and after pregnancy.

“I feel like there is a lot missing in this space and it’s one reason why I'm so passionate about our mums and bubs classes and helping women continue to train throughout their pregnancy,” Zenny said.

The popular mums and bubs class is where mothers can exercise freely with their little ones. Offering a creche service and the option to bring babies into the gym, Athletica supports mothers in prioritising their health and well-being without sacrificing time with their children.

“I believe we are the example we set for our children,” Zenny added.

Offering round-the-clock access, Athletica caters to your busy schedules, providing the flexibility needed to prioritise fitness amidst life's demands. With over 40 classes per week, including weights, HIIT, yoga and Pilates, Athletica has something for all levels of fitness enthusiasts.

Intertwined with her personal fitness endeavours, Zenny is also a qualified nutritionist and owner of Healthy Ambition. With this knowledge up her sleeve, it allows her to integrate nutrition education seamlessly into Athletica's offerings, providing women with a comprehensive approach to health and wellness all in one place.

Best business advice you've ever been given?

Stay persistent and patient: Building a successful business takes time, effort, and perseverance.

Secret recipe for success? 

I think the secret to my success in this industry and being able to make it a personally and financially rewarding career is being authentic, staying consistent in my message, and being flexible and compassionate. 

Athletica Fitness Centre