
Breaking The Mould With Kate Collins of Taste Whitsundays

A key figure in the Whitsunday community, Katelyn Collins (Aslett) is a renowned philanthropist and business woman who smashes through barriers, innovates and catapults ideas into a new stratosphere. Completely redefining the way people transit through Whitsunday Coast Airport, Kate introduced a high-tech food offering at Taste Whitsundays and the results have been a game-changer. Meanwhile, her fundraising endeavours have seen her spearhead initiatives and drive campaigns where all she touches turns to magic.  

Originally from Townsville, Kate moved to Airlie Beach after meeting her husband, local Kev Collins. Her career shifted when she successfully tendered for the airport cafe, where she has made a lasting impact.

“We've contributed to it becoming one of the prize-winning regional airports in the country over the last couple of years, we are very focused on trying to include as much local produce, with our gift shop and the cafe, we try to use as much local food and products and put a local spin on it,” Kate emphasised.

In Kate's other ventures, she recently received the emerging Queensland Philanthropist of the Year award, which she said was humbling but amazing.

“The main reason I won that award is for several years I've had a not-for-profit business that I started called My Giving Table,” Kate explained.

My Giving Table turns gatherings into fundraisers. Whether it's a birthday, cocktail party, or dinner, hosts can register their event on the platform, set a theme, and send invitations. Instead of gifts, guests donate to a chosen charity or purchase tickets, with all proceeds going directly to the cause.

Between My Giving Table and the Whitsunday Luxe raffle that Kate has put together for the last seven years for Women’s Legal Service, she has raised over half a million dollars for charities and is currently supporting our local Team Whitsundays Dancing CEOs to raise funds for their campaign.

Kate explained how she is now at a stage where she looks to give back to others in the community.

“If you are successful in life, then the way to be more successful is to work out how you can give back to others, because you hit a point that your success and your focus on yourself is only filling so much of the story.”

Alongside this achievement, Kate has also found success with her business, Taste Whitsunday, where they have made remarkable advancements in technology. Their innovations have been so impactful that they have influenced major global companies, including Emirates.

When asked what challenges Kate has faced as a female entrepreneur, she stated that she never puts that hat on, and that she is a business person who doesn’t define herself by her femininity but says that it has actually helped her in many areas of business.

Do you have any female role models in your life?

“Growing up my mother was, because she was in a small business, so I spent my childhood watching my mum, working all kinds of hours and juggling and whilst my mum and dad were in a business together, my mum was really the brains behind it.”

What advice would you offer to other women looking to start their own business or take on leadership roles?

“Be kind to yourself and be fearless and take risks.”

Photo credit: Alyce Holzy Photography