
An Outdoor Mine-set

With Sophie Clayton From Dunbar Electrical

Sophie Clayton, who has called Mackay home since the age of four, has always had a deep connection with the outdoors so it was only natural that she pursued a career in that arena. Whether she’s boating around the islands, camping under the stars, or casting a line, Sophie finds her true joy in nature, often accompanied by her two beloved dogs and her partner.

Despite this love of the outdoors, however, it took Sophie a little time to find a career that allowed her to be out in nature. She initially explored university courses in nursing and teaching, but quickly realised neither path resonated with her. What she truly craved was a hands-on career that connected her to the outdoors. This realisation led her to pursue a trade—a decision that would prove both challenging and immensely rewarding.

Sophie began her apprenticeship in mining and then turned to Dunbar Electrical, a company she describes as incredibly supportive.

The apprenticeship has been the most significant and challenging experience of her life, pushing her far beyond her comfort zone and testing her self-confidence on a daily basis. Despite tough days filled with self-doubt, Sophie remains motivated by the long-term rewards and personal growth she experiences.

Through perseverance and a deep commitment to her chosen path, Sophie has embraced the many challenges that come with her trade. She takes immense pride in overcoming obstacles, both personal and professional, and has grown into a more confident and capable individual.

Sophie’s journey serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of finding a career that truly fits, even if the path to discovery is winding and uncertain. Her story is one of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of a life that aligns with one’s passions—a journey that, while challenging, is ultimately worth every step.