
Our NRM Region - From the mountains to the sea

With 21 years regional experience, Reef Catchments has gained an intimate and very personal knowledge of the Mackay Whitsunday Isaac region and its community. It’s an accumulation of knowledge that provides a powerhouse of expertise behind their services.

Locals and visitors alike enjoy a diverse range of unique ecosystems; from pristine beaches and coral reefs of the Whitsundays to the lush, sugarcane fields of Mackay and the rugged, pastoral lands of Isaac. This area is pivotal for agriculture, tourism, and mining, and plays a crucial role in water management, supporting both community livelihoods and natural habitats. Natural resource management is an essential service for sustainable regional development with Reef Catchments well positioned to deliver services in our region.

Starting with the first Strategic NRM and Water Quality Improvement plans, Reef Catchments has played a key role in building essential knowledge of regional and community environmental needs. Their ongoing work has been key to identifying issues such as poor water quality affecting the Great Barrier Reef, loss of natural habitats due to city and industrial growth, and invasive species harming local wildlife along with the effects of climate change. These challenges require integrated management approaches to ensure sustainable use and conservation of natural resources.

By managing these challenges through integrated approaches, Reef Catchments strives to support sustainable development and conservation, protecting the region's diverse ecosystems and supporting its communities. With 21 years of regional knowledge and expertise, their continued commitment underscores the importance of their role in maintaining the area's environmental health and economic vitality.