
Meet Lockie

Apprentice Butcher With MBW On The Barbie

From a young age, Lockie knew his calling.

Following in the footsteps of his uncle, he set his sights on becoming a butcher. Now, at just two-and-a-half years into his apprenticeship with MBW On The Barbie, Lockie is proving that his passion runs as deep as his skillset.

Lockie’s natural talent and keen interest in the craft have allowed him to thrive in his apprenticeship. He’s particularly proud of the progress he’s made, saying that his training at MBW On The Barbie pushed him ahead of schedule, picking up second-year skills during his first year on the job.

For Lockie, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as breaking down an animal and preparing it into different cuts that leave customers excited to take home a perfectly prepped steak or roast.

“The best part is seeing their faces when they get a good steak,” he shared.

His favourite task? Making sausages. While it might seem simple to the untrained eye, the art of crafting the perfect snag requires precision, speed, and a lot of practice.

“I’m getting pretty quick with them now,” Lockie said with a smile.

“I like making the thick ones, those take a bit more focus. They’re easy to overfill, and if you add just a bit too much pressure, they can burst, and they are a pain to clean when they explode all over the wall.”

Whether it’s mastering the art of sausage-making or breaking down a cut to perfection, he’s a butcher who takes pride in every step of the process.

Outside the shop, Lockie unwinds with his mates, spending his weekends fishing, pigging, or simply chilling out.

Describe your personality in three words

Easy-going, quick-learner, honest