
Get To Know Meaghan Collins

Registered Counsellor/Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Star Sign Gemini

Fav Movie - “The Intouchables” (French Version)

Fav Colour - Green

Fav Holiday destination - Northern Thailand

Fav Music - Depends on the day! Indie Rock, EDM, Hip-hop, Lo-fi, Acoustic

Fav Quote - ‘Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth’ Alan Watts

Meaghan Collins has been a Yoga and Meditation teacher for over 20 years now and over the last few years she has furthered her skillset. Completing a Diploma in counselling and end of life doula training.

“I love being able to support people on that journey,” Meaghan said.

“Whether in the yoga classroom or sitting with someone who is grieving, it’s all about creating and holding space for people to feel safe and seen, and giving permission for whatever is going on for them at that moment.”

Meaghan loves being able to support people using more than one modality. She says, “Not everyone needs the same kind of support, and there are many ways we can process the challenges life throws our way.”

She is proactive about maintaining her own mental health on the weekends. Meaghan said, “I love to get out in nature, hiking, waterfalls and beaches will have my heart always.” She also loves staying in on the weekends, cooking for her friends, studying, gardening, reading or doing some home yoga just for herself. But most importantly Meaghan loves spending time with her 10-year-old daughter.

“My daughter is the best thing to ever happen to me,” she says. “And alongside doing work that I love, which feels helpful and purposeful, I can confidently say I am living a life that feels meaningful to me. To me, that is the key to success.”

Meaghan has called Airlie home for 18 years, she’s no stranger to the region and she can’t wait to meet you.