
Get Back On Track With Nikita Crosswell

Sometimes in life we all experience the feeling of being stuck or that an unknown force is blocking our path, therefore leaving us frustrated and unsettled. But instead of being a victim to our circumstances, we can choose to take control and find our way out. Nikita Crosswell offers assistance to help her clients navigate those crossroads of life by providing intuitive readings that identify issues and help show you a new way.

“Any challenges in life are there to protect you or redirect you. You will always find peace, it’s just about how we can get you there,” explains Nikita.

Nikita from ‘That Hippi’ is available for personalised readings in the Whitsunday, Burdekin and Townsville areas or via video link anywhere in the world. A Psychic Medium since a young age, she is able to intuitively comprehend a deeper message to your life’s path and can help unravel the mysteries of your life’s journey.

“I don’t need to ask any questions; I just start talking!” she shared.

“I connect with things that are going on in people’s lives and can help people who feel stuck by telling them what they need to focus on, help them get clarity for self-growth.”