
Explore ‘The Mind Field’

Arj Barker

American-born Australian-favourite Arj Barker is touring Australia to perform ‘The Mind Field’.

In ‘The Mind Field’ Arj will have audiences laughing in their seat whilst also walking away thinking about life differently.

We spoke to Arj ahead of his performance and he said the show was born from the idea that “everything is a giant mind field.”

“There are some people that think consciousness is the source of everything, as opposed to matter. It's a big argument and in established science, most people assume it is matter, and everything springs from matter. However, there are really smart people that consider the possibility that consciousness is fundamental, and matter emerges from consciousness, which sounds kind of crazy.”

In the show Arj explains this concept in a concise and easy to follow way. He understands that someone reading this article may not believe this content has the makings of a great comedy show, but he encourages everyone to come along and be proven wrong.

“I've always made that number one priority; for my shows to be funny, and number two is making people think about some interesting things that I find fascinating. Everything leads to a punchline in my show.”

Arj explained that there are some interesting topics covered in the show and one is that people assume you see with your eyes, but actually we see the world with our brain.

The brain constructs the image of the world that we see. Our eyes measure light waves, they provide the brain with that information and the brain builds the image that we see.

Although Arj discusses serious topics, he said the entire show is not filled with intense material, there are other aspects that include his dogs, his love for coffee, and a whole section dedicated to farts!

Friday 15 November

The Mind Field

Proserpine Entertainment Centre (PEC) at 8pm

Saturday 16 November

The Mind Field

Mackay Entertainment & Convention Centre (MECC) at 8pm